22.1 数组对象

22.1.3 数组原型对象上的属性 Array.prototype.push(...items)




  1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).

  2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).

  3. Let items be a List whose elements are, in left to right order, the arguments that were passed to this function invocation.

  4. Let argCount be the number of elements in items.

  5. If len + argCount > 2^53 - 1, throw a TypeError exception.

6 Repeat, while items is not empty

Remove the first element from items and let E be the value of the element.

Perform ? Set(O, ! ToString(len), E, true).

Increase len by 1.

  1. Perform ? Set(O, "length", len, true).

  2. Return len.


简单概括就是:循环遍历参数,把参数的值设置为O[length++]= v,length随着循环+1,返回值为length。


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